In a short space of time, Kao Mine has become a primary producer of Fancy Pink diamonds. Small pink and purple diamonds were noted in the earliest production runs. In December 2013, the incredible 36.06 carat Pink Storm was recovered, putting Kao Mine on the map as a serious producer of pink diamonds. Since then, some remarkable stones have been recovered, including the Purple Princess and the Rose of Kao.
Kao regularly produces pink diamonds including a range of sizes up to 36 carats (to date), as well as a full suite of pink colours and saturations. Most of the Kao pinks do not have secondary colours and those that do are dominated by purple as the secondary colour. Occasionally brown is noted as a secondary colour and very rarely orange.
Most of the Pink diamonds are rare Type IIa diamonds; while the pink-purple and purple stones are Type I. Of huge importance is that the majority of the Kao Pink diamonds are clean with a minimum of obvious inclusions.
Of further interest is that the world’s number one diamond mine for pinks - the Argyle mine - is set to close at the end of 2020. Kao is therefore poised to become a major player in the world of rare pink diamonds.